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  • Create an alliance of schools giving a unique, international and multicultural view of management and business at the crossroads of society and planet. 


  • Become a global voice to promote responsible leadership education and our schools’ expertise and programmes.

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OUR Purpose

  • Reinvest the output of our initiatives into educating our students and executive participants, fostering faculty research and helping business, society, and planet positively progress.

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In 2021, the Council on Business & Society celebrated its 10th anniversary.

A visionary global alliance founded in 2011, the  Council on Business & Society engages faculty, students, business leaders, practitioners, NGOs and policy-makers to explore how business can positively contribute to society and the common good.

Together, be a

Councl on Business & Sociey
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ESSEC Business School, FGV-EAESP, School of Management Fudan University, IE Business School, Keio Business School, Monash Business School, Olin Business School, Smith School of Business, Stellenbosch Business School, Trinity Business School, Warwick Business School

Council Coordinator, Paris, France

+33 (0)1 34 43 96 56

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The Council on Business & Society: Responsible Leadership, CSR, Entrepreneurship, Governance, Healthcare, Sustainability, HR, Philanthropy, Management, Impact investing, Public policy, Diversity.

Data privacy: The Council on Business & Society  website does not collect, use or exploit the personal data of its visitors and is exempt from the European GDPR directive of May 2018.

© 2017 Council on Business & Society. Coordinated from ESSEC Business School. 3 AVENUE BERNARD HIRSCH, CS 50105 CERGY, 95021 CERGY PONTOISE CEDEX, FRANCE. Tel: 33 (0)1 34 43 30 00    Fax: 33 (0)1 34 43 30 01

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