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Global Forums to tackle key issues at the crossroads of business and society

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Council on Business & Society global forum
Council on Business & society global forum
Council on Business & Society global forum
Council on Business &Society global forum
Forums with a difference
Forums that produce assets

There are many conferences devoted to business and society issues: ours are different. The Council on Business & Society’s Global Forums are unique in that they bring leading international stakeholders face-to-face on a key theme of debate affecting the future of business and society. Prominent business leaders, government policy makers, heads of major NGOs, academics, and business students are invited to offer their unique perspective on the chosen issue to develop a solution to shape the future.   


Our Forums are not only a place for debate. Each Forum event sees the production of tangible assets in the form of executive summaries, white papers, videos, business and society cases, position statements, practical insights and the creation of course materials.

Since its inception, The Council has held 3 global forums 

Global Forum, Paris, France

  • Corporate Governance and Leadership: Business Performance and Responsibility


Global Forum, Tokyo, Japan

  • Health and Healthcare at the Crossroads of Business and Society


Global Forum, Boston, USA

  • Energy, Business, and Society: Capabilities for the New World of Energy

The next Global Forum, Shanghai, China


 Entrepreneurship for the Common Good

  • Date to be set


Global Forum white papers

Download our Global Forum White Papers

Corporate governance and leadership
Health and healthcare
Energy, business and society
The schools of the Council on Business & Society: ESSEC Business School, France, Singapore, Morocco, FGV-EAESP, Brazil, School of Management Fudan University, China, IE Business School, Spain, Keio Business School, Japan, Monash Business School, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Olin Business School, USA, Smith School of Business, Canada, Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom.   The Council on Business & Society is 11 leading international business schools located on 5 continents and in 15 countries, with 21 campuses, 1,777 permanent faculty members, 48,363 students and 482,000 alumni.

With the past participation of 

University of Mannheim
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Together, be a

Councl on Business & Sociey
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ESSEC Business School, FGV-EAESP, School of Management Fudan University, IE Business School, Keio Business School, Monash Business School, Olin Business School, Smith School of Business, Stellenbosch Business School, Trinity Business School, Warwick Business School

Council Coordinator, Paris, France

+33 (0)1 34 43 96 56

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The Council on Business & Society: Responsible Leadership, CSR, Entrepreneurship, Governance, Healthcare, Sustainability, HR, Philanthropy, Management, Impact investing, Public policy, Diversity.

Data privacy: The Council on Business & Society  website does not collect, use or exploit the personal data of its visitors and is exempt from the European GDPR directive of May 2018.

© 2017 Council on Business & Society. Coordinated from ESSEC Business School. 3 AVENUE BERNARD HIRSCH, CS 50105 CERGY, 95021 CERGY PONTOISE CEDEX, FRANCE. Tel: 33 (0)1 34 43 30 00    Fax: 33 (0)1 34 43 30 01

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